
Become a member

From the start, all the funds needed for the Children’s Camp Namibia were raised from private people, companies, friends and families who support our idea to bring some measure of joy and happiness to the poor and vulnerable children of our country.

As time lapsed, the idea grew and so did the Children’s Camp. To adapt to all the needs which had arisen (and with which we have to contend on a daily basis), we registered a society in Switzerland called Children’s Camp Namibia (tax excempt in Switzerland). Please use the Membership Application Form to become a member of our association and help us to continue with and grow our idea in order to keep offering our camps to the children, their teachers and the public.!

 Membership Application Form (german and english)

We thank everyone who supports us.

If you have any questions or would like to assist us in any way, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Thank you!
Susanne Berchtold

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Support us

Make it possible!

Our account details outside Namibia:

Account Holder: Childrens Camp Namibia
IBAN: CH56 0900 0000 6072 7093 6
Account No: 60-727093-6


Our account details for Namibia:
Account Holder: Childrens Camp Namibia
Bank: Bank Windhoek
Branch: 483 872
Account No: 3001 757 484
Type: Savings

Thank you for supporting Childrens Camp Namibia!

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