
Camp 2010

Certain activities will continue as in 2009 because the kids thoroughly enjoyed them. We will, however, have new handicrafts and again be organising a safari walk, with a different treasure map of course, and the 10 stations will have completely different tasks.

The camp is soon to take place and we don't wish to reveal everything..  but, as already mentioned, we have a safari walk where we test the kids logical and mathematical skills e.g. with a special puzzle, a math domino. But we also have an integrated task where during 2 minutes, the group has to find a way to save as much water as possible, the more they save - the more points they get. And we also have more "relaxing" stations where we look for the best football players or test the paw sensibility when they have to determine what is behind the various holes of our paw box - this year without multiple choice, just to make it a bit more challenging.

During the afternoons we have the following indoor and outdoor activities:

  • jumping castle, slippery slide, refreshing shower with a little pool
  • painting T-shirts
  • decorating picture frame (every child gets his own picture printed out)
  • creating a sun cap
  • creating a wind wheel
  • face painting
  • painting competition with the topic "my ride in the  bus" where we choose a daily winner and Sense of Africa will then select an overall winner from all the paintings :) of course we have lovely prizes for all the winners!

And another highlight of this year will be our solar oven! In a big version of this we will bake about 60 pizza-broetchens every day. The kids will learn how it works and see the broetchens materialise .. and of course everyone will have to taste! We also built a second solar oven, a smaller version just with two cartons and newspaper, in which we also bake some broetchens, just to show the kids that you can quite easily build a working solar oven with simple tools.

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Account Holder: Childrens Camp Namibia
IBAN: CH56 0900 0000 6072 7093 6
Account No: 60-727093-6


Our account details for Namibia:
Account Holder: Childrens Camp Namibia
Bank: Bank Windhoek
Branch: 483 872
Account No: 3001 757 484
Type: Savings

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