
Support us

We are very grateful if you want to support us because without your help, we would not be able to do our work! You can support us in various ways...


Send us a donation (we are tax except in Switzerland and we will gladly send you a receipt). Please check out our bank details on the right side

Come and volunteer with us at the camps (send us an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or fill out the contact form)

Become a member of Childrens Camp Namibia Membership Application Form (german and english)


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Support us

Make it possible!

Our account details outside Namibia:

Account Holder: Childrens Camp Namibia
IBAN: CH56 0900 0000 6072 7093 6
Account No: 60-727093-6


Our account details for Namibia:
Account Holder: Childrens Camp Namibia
Bank: Bank Windhoek
Branch: 483 872
Account No: 3001 757 484
Type: Savings

Thank you for supporting Childrens Camp Namibia!

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