
Computer Science Camps

Bebras is an international initiative aiming to promote informatics (computer science) and computational thinking among school students of all ages.  dsf1060

In several countries, programming as a basic component of computer science has been made a compulsory part of the curriculum, and that already from primary school age. Several Asian countries have followed the tradition cultivated in Eastern European countries, while people in the USA are debating about how to incorporate “computational thinking” as part of the general education.

This type of thinking is indispensable for research and development in the disciplines of natural sciences and engineering, and the introduction of compulsory computer science lessons in the sense of algorithmic problem solving (in place of the superficial and short-lived product knowledge of appealing software systems, so-called ICT lessons) will only be a question of time in all countries with highly developed new technologies.

The focus is on key qualifications including thinking in complex contexts, the ability to solve problems, abstract thinking skills, determination and teamwork skills. The programming lessons can promote these competencies in a playful way. When the learners are asked to describe certain patterns (e.g. stairs, flower pattern) accurately and to recognize repeating patterns and define these in formal and natural languages, they will also learn to express themselves clearly and precisely.

img 7539Berchtold Software Development and Training is representing the Bebras Challenge in Namibia and we invite schools, teachers and students all over Namibia to become part of it! Check out more details on our dedicated Bebras Website and contact us to become part of it!

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Account Holder: Childrens Camp Namibia
IBAN: CH56 0900 0000 6072 7093 6
Account No: 60-727093-6


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Account Holder: Childrens Camp Namibia
Bank: Bank Windhoek
Branch: 483 872
Account No: 3001 757 484
Type: Savings

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