
Camp 2018

Thanks to everyone who was involved in the Camp 2018:

Paul and Yaffa Maritz
Evangelical Mission Church
Oryx Properties Limited
Rebeka Sebulon
Camping Hire Namibia
Solitaire Country Lodge
Prisca + Noldi, Paul, Dany, Bernhard, MaryBeth, Sabine, Sonia, Vreni, Valentina, Fernandus and many more...

A big thank you goes out to our Namibian artists Heather (Miss H) and Chantell who did an awesome evening entertainment, we all love you :)
A huge thank you also to all the amazing volunteers from the Brock University in Canada, we couldn't do without you!

We had a great time and more pictures and stories will soon follow on our facebookpage

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Our account details outside Namibia:

Account Holder: Childrens Camp Namibia
IBAN: CH56 0900 0000 6072 7093 6
Account No: 60-727093-6


Our account details for Namibia:
Account Holder: Childrens Camp Namibia
Bank: Bank Windhoek
Branch: 483 872
Account No: 3001 757 484
Type: Savings

Thank you for supporting Childrens Camp Namibia!

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